Your Photo is Everything
Your photo is everything! It is what gets you in the door and requested by casting. I have had amazing actors with poor photos who rarely get requested by casting. I have had raw beginners with exceptional pictures get requested for audition for series regular and lead role auditions.
Picture quality is extremely important. Poor quality images will keep you from being noticed. It is important that you submit professional looking pictures for the Katalyst website, your Actor's Access profile, and the other industry sites we use. If you do not already have professional pictures and you want to compete for the top jobs you must to go the professional route.
Again, I cannot stress enough how important pictures are. Usually, your first introduction to a client will be through your picture. If you have bad pictures it tells the client that you are not serious about this work and they will not waste their time scheduling you for an audition. If you want to increase your chances of getting jobs, the first and most basic requirement is good, professional, industry geared pictures.
It should also be noted that poor quality images will not be posted on the Katalyst site or on the other industry sites we use heavily to submit talent. Without an image on these site you can still be submitted for jobs, but the client will probably not consider or even look at your audition.
When you schedule an appointment with a photographer please email Sydney (sydney.katalyst@gmail.com) with your appointment date and the photographer’s name. Always make sure the photographer you use has experience with taking pictures for the acting and modeling industry. All images are not created equal. A picture you would like to hang on your wall at home usually will not be the same type of image we can use to effectively market you to clients.
Photo Shoot Do's & Don't's
Fix your hair
Women & Teen Girls hire someone to do your hair and make-up
Wear clothes that fit properly
Wear clothes that are comfortable
Wear solid colors
Smile for some of the pictures
Take a variety of photos, happy, sad, angry. Think of the different roles you may play and how you feel as those characters and let the photographer catch those emotions.
Get a good nights rest before the shoot
Show up early: give time for traffic or getting lost
Listen to the direction your photographer is giving you.
Wear stripes, plaids, crazy patterns, bright white, or dark black
Wear too much make-up
Wear accessories, these are your photos to promote you as an actor or model. In essence you are the product you are selling, not the jewelry or clothing you happen to be wearing for these shots.
Look like you hate the process of getting your picture taken
Wear clothes that are wrinkled
Let your bra strap show
Bring your whole family with you
Photographers we Recommend
You are not required to use the photographers we recommend. These are listed for your convenience.
Kentucky Photographers

JRyan Photography
James Ryan has a fantastic eye and is reasonably priced. Located in Northern Kentucky
859 384 7581

Nicole G Photography

All About That Face
Shawn Carter is a fantastic headshot photographer based in Northern Kentucky. We highly recommend him.
California Photographers
Ona Photography - Ashley Johnson
Ohio Photographers